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This item only works when running on the server. Server

A remote property in layman's terms is simply an object which can store some global value as well as values specific to players.



interface DefaultRemotePropertyConfig {


interface DefaultRemotePropertyMiddleware {

By default, clientSet contains a function which always returns [RejectClientSetRequest], in order to reject the client's request of setting a value for themselves in the remote property, as this is a security risk, if by default, this behavior is allowed. Additionally, a warn is also produced in the output to let you know of this.

So in order to allow clients to request the server to set their value, then you must define a middleware where clientSet contains at least 1 function, for e.g;

local remoteProperty ={
	clientSet = {
		function(_, _, valueFromClient) 
			return valueFromClient


interface RemotePropertyConfig {

determines whether or not values sent to clients by the remote signal be internally serialized/deserialized or not.

  • automaticArgumentSerializationAndDeserializationEnabled -> true
    • Arguments and values sent across the network by the remote property will be automatically serialized and deserialized respectively, with the help of an internal library, i.e serializerUtil.
    Serialization and deserialization limitations!

    While the serializer utility used to accomplish this supports a variety of data types, do keep in mind that not all data types can be supported on the go for serialization and deserialization - check the above hyperlink to the serializer utility on how many data types it supports.


**See the type of the value of the remote property being `TweenInfo` on the client**:

-- Server
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local testNetwork ="TestNetwork")
local remoteProperty =
testNetwork:append("remoteProperty",  remoteProperty) 

-- Client
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local testNetwork = network.client.fromParent("TestNetwork", Workspace):expect()
print(typeof(testNetwork.remoteProperty:get())) --> "TweenInfo"
  • automaticArgumentSerializationAndDeserializationEnabled -> false

    • Arguments and values sent across the network will not be internally serialized and deserialized. Using the same example as above:

    See the type of the value of the remote property being table on the client instead of TweenInfo:

    -- Server
    local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
    local testNetwork ="TestNetwork")
    local remoteProperty =
    testNetwork:append("remoteProperty",  remoteProperty) 
    -- Client
    local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
    local testNetwork = network.client.fromParent("TestNetwork", Workspace):expect()
    print(typeof(testNetwork.remoteProperty:get())) --> "table"


type RemoteProperty = RemoteProperty


type RemoteProperty = RemoteProperty


type Observer = (
) → ()


interface RemotePropertyMiddleware {
) → any}?,
clientGet{(clientPlayer) → any}?,
Yielding in middleware callbacks is not allowed

Middleware callbacks aren't allowed to yield. If they do so, their thread will be closed via coroutine.close and an error will be outputted in the console.

Yielding, (especially in network-related code) results in weird bugs and behavior which can be hard to track down!


Callbacks in clientSet are called whenever the client tries to set the value of the remote property for themselves specifically.

The first argument passed to each callback is a reference to the remote property itself, followed by the client object and the value the client is trying to set.

local clientSetCallbacks = {
	function (remoteProperty, client, value)
		print( --> true
		print(client:IsA("Player")) --> true 
More control

A clientSet callback can return a non-nil value, which will then be set as the value for the client in the remote property. This is useful in cases where you want to have more control over what values the client can set for themseves in the remote property.

For e.g:

-- Server
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local testRemoteProperty =, {
	clientSet = {function() return "rickrolled" end}
local testNetwork ="TestNetwork")
testNetwork:append("property", testRemoteProperty)
-- Client
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local testNetwork = network.client.fromParent("TestNetwork", Workspace):expect()
print( --> "rickrolled" (This ought to print 1, but our middleware returned a custom value!)

You can also return [RejectClientSetRequest] from a clientSet middleware callback, in order to reject the client's request of setting a value for themselves in the remote property.

Additionally, if more than 1 callback returns a value, then all those returned values will be packed into an array and then sent back to the client. This is by design - as it isn't ideal to disregard all returned values for just 1.

For e.g:

-- Server
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local testRemoteProperty =, {
	clientSet = {
		function() return "rickrolled" end,
		function() return "oof" end,
		function() return "hello" end
local testNetwork ="TestNetwork")
testNetwork:append("property", testRemoteProperty)
-- Client
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local testNetwork = network.client.fromParent("TestNetwork", Workspace):expect()
print( --> {"oofed", "rickrolled", "hello"} 

If any of the clientSet middleware callbacks return [RejectClientSetRequest], then the client's request of setting a value for themselves in the remote property, will be rejected.


Callbacks in clientGet are called whenever the client tries to get the value of the remote property.

The first argument passed to each callback is a reference to the remote property itself, which is followed by the client object.

local clientGetCallbacks = {
	function (remoteProperty, client)
		print(client:IsA("Player")) --> true
More control

A callback can return a non-nil value, which will then be returned to the client. This is useful in cases where you want to have more control over what values the client can retrieve from the remote property.

For e.g:

-- Server
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local testRemoteProperty =, {
	clientGet = {function() return "rickrolled" end}
local testNetwork ="TestNetwork")
testNetwork:append("property", testRemoteProperty)
-- Client
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local testNetwork = network.client.fromParent("TestNetwork", Workspace):expect()
print( --> "rickrolled" (This ought to print 5000, but our middleware returned a custom value!)

Additionally, if more than 1 callback returns a value, then all those returned values will be packed into an array and then sent back to the client. This is by design - as it isn't ideal to disregard all returned values for just 1.

For e.g:

-- Server
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local testRemoteProperty =, {
	clientGet = {
		function() return "rickrolled" end,
		function() return "oof" end,
		function() return "hello" end
local testNetwork ="TestNetwork")
testNetwork:append("property", testRemoteProperty)
-- Client
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local testNetwork = network.client.fromParent("TestNetwork", Workspace):expect()
print( --> {"oofed", "rickrolled", "hello"} 



Read only
RemoteProperty.RejectClientSetRequest: "RejectClientSetRequest"

A marker that can be passed from a clientSet middleware callback, to reject a client's request of setting some value (for themselves in the remote property).


Read onlySignalRemoteProperty Instance
RemoteProperty.onUpdate: Signal<newValueT,oldValueT?>

A signal which is fired whenever the value of the remote property is set to a new one. The signal is only passed the new value as the only argument.


Read onlySignalRemoteProperty Instance
RemoteProperty.clientValueOnUpdate: Signal<clientPlayer,newValueT,oldValueT?>

A signal which is fired whenever the value of player specifically in the remote property is set to a new one. The signal is passed the player as the first argument, and the new specific value of player set in the remote property, as the second argument.


) → RemoteProperty

Creates and returns a new remote property with the value of initialValue.

is → boolean

Returns a boolean indicating if self is a remote property or not.


RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:get() → T

Returns a shallow copy of the current value set for the remote property.


RemoteProperty instance
) → boolean) → Promise<T>

Returns a promise which is resolved with a non-nil value of the remote property, given that valuePredicate is not passed as an argument.


valuePredicate can also be passed, which allows you to filter out values. If it returns exactly true, only then will the promise resolve with the new value.

remoteProperty:valuePromise(function(newValue, oldValue) 
	return newValue == 10 and oldValue == 1


--> 10


RemoteProperty instance
) → ()

Rate limits the given client setting their own value by rateLimit seconds.


This specific rate limit set for this client will be removed once the client leaves the game.

-- Server
remoteProperty:setRateLimitForClientSettingValue(client, 30) -- 30 seconds

-- Client

-- Spam the setting of value for the client, so we ought for the value of the 
-- client stored in the remote property (finally) to be `100`, but instead
-- it will be `1`, as subsequent calls after the first one will be ignored
-- due to the rate limit imposed.
for index = 1, 100 do

--> 1 


RemoteProperty instance
) → ()

Calls RemoteProperty:setForClient for all clients in clients.


RemoteProperty instance
) → ()

Sets the value of the remote property for client specifically, to value. This client will now no longer be receiving updates of the value of the remote property, and thus will only be receiving updates of their own specific value set in the remote property.


RemoteProperty:removeForClient will be called for the given client whenever they leave the game, so that this value is cleared out for the player, and thus this helps prevent memory leaks.

  • Setting the value for client to nil will not remove the client's value - call RemoteProperty:removeForClient to do that.

  • This method will throw an error if you attempt to set a value for the client who are not present anymore in the server (i.e not a descendant of Players) - this is done to avoid memory leaks.


RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:removeForClient(clientPlayer) → ()

Removes the value stored for client specifically in the remote property. This client will now be informed of the current value of the remote property and will now no longer be receiving updates of their specific value (that was previously set in the remote property, as it has been removed), instead the client will start receiving updates of the value of the remote property itself.


RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:removeForClients(clients{Player}) → ()

Iterates through clients and calls RemoteProperty:removeForClient for each client.


RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:clientHasValueSet(clientPlayer) → boolean

Returns a boolean indicating if there is a specific value stored for client in the remote property.


RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:clientValue(clientPlayer) → T?

Returns a shallow copy of value stored specifically for client in the remote property.


RemoteProperty instance
) → boolean
) → Promise<any>

Returns a promise which is resolved with a non-nil value of the value stored for the client in the remote property.


valuePredicate (an optional predicate), allows you to filter out values:

remoteProperty:clientValuePromise(client, function(newValue, oldValue) 
	print(newValue, oldValue)
	return oldValue == 1

remoteProperty:setForClient(client, 1) 
remoteProperty:setForClient(client, 2) 

-- Output:
-- 1, nil
-- 2, 1
-- 2


RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:set(valueT) → ()

Sets the value of the remote property to value. Clients who have a specific value set will not be informed of this new value of this remote property.


RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:clientValueOnUpdateSignalForClient(clientPlayer) → Signal

Returns a signal that is fired whenever a value is set for the client, or the client's specific value is updated in the remote property (through RemoteProperty:setForClient).

remoteProperty:clientValueOnUpdateSignalForClient(somePlayer):Connect(function(newValue, oldValue)
	print(newValue, oldValue)

remoteProperty:setForClient(somePlayer, 1)
--> 1, nil


RemoteProperty instance
) → ()
) → Connection

Observes the value of the given client stored in the remote property.

remoteProperty:observeClientValue(somePlayer, function(newValue, oldValue)
	print(newValue, oldValue) 

remoteProperty:setForClient(somePlayer, 1)
--> nil, nil
--> 1, nil


RemoteProperty instance
) → ()) → Connection

Observes the value of the remote property.

local remoteProperty =
remoteProperty:observe(function(newValue, oldValue)
	print(newValue, oldValue)

--> nil, nil
--> 1, nil


RemoteProperty instance
) → ()) → Connection

Observes the values set for clients in the remote property.

local remoteProperty =
remoteProperty:observeClientsValue(function(client: Player, newValue, oldValue)



RemoteProperty instance
RemoteProperty:destroy() → ()

Destroys the remote property and renders it unusable. All clients who have a specific value set for themselves in the remote property will be removed through RemoteProperty:removeForClient.

Show raw api
    "functions": [
            "name": "new",
            "desc": "Creates and returns a new remote property with the value of `initialValue`.\n\n- If the 2nd parameter `middleware` is not specified, then it will default to [DefaultRemotePropertyMiddleware] instead.\n\t\n- If the 3rd parameter `remotePropertyConfig` is not specified, then it will default to [DefaultRemotePropertyConfig] instead. ",
            "params": [
                    "name": "initialValue",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "T?"
                    "name": "middleware",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "RemotePropertyMiddleware?"
                    "name": "remotePropertyConfig",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "RemotePropertyConfig?"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "RemoteProperty\n"
            "function_type": "static",
            "source": {
                "line": 363,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "is",
            "desc": "Returns a boolean indicating if `self` is a remote property or not.",
            "params": [
                    "name": "self",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "any"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "boolean\n"
            "function_type": "static",
            "source": {
                "line": 407,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "get",
            "desc": "Returns a shallow copy of the current value set for the remote property.",
            "params": [],
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "T\n"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 417,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "valuePromise",
            "desc": "Returns a promise which is resolved with a non-nil value of the remote property, given\nthat `valuePredicate` is not passed as an argument.\n\n```lua\nremoteProperty:valuePromise():andThen(function(value)\n\tprint(value) \nend)\n```\n\n`valuePredicate` can also be passed, which allows you to filter out values. If it returns\nexactly `true`, only then will the promise resolve with the new value.\n\n```lua\nremoteProperty:valuePromise(function(newValue, oldValue) \n\treturn newValue == 10 and oldValue == 1\nend):andThen(function(value)\n\tprint(value) \nend)\n\nremoteProperty:set(1) \nremoteProperty:set(10) \n\n--> 10\n```",
            "params": [
                    "name": "valuePredicate",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "(T: any, oldValue: T?) -> boolean"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Promise<T>"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 451,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "setRateLimitForClientSettingValue",
            "desc": "Rate limits the given client setting their own value by `rateLimit` seconds.\n\n:::note\nThis specific rate limit set for this client will be **removed**\nonce the client leaves the game.\n:::\n\n```lua\n-- Server\nremoteProperty:setRateLimitForClientSettingValue(client, 30) -- 30 seconds\n\n-- Client\nclientRemoteProperty.onUpdate:Connect(function(newValue)\n\tprint(newValue) \nend)\n\n-- Spam the setting of value for the client, so we ought for the value of the \n-- client stored in the remote property (finally) to be `100`, but instead\n-- it will be `1`, as subsequent calls after the first one will be ignored\n-- due to the rate limit imposed.\nfor index = 1, 100 do\n\tclientRemoteProperty:set(index)\nend\n\n--> 1 \n```",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
                    "name": "rateLimit",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "number"
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 486,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "setForClients",
            "desc": "Calls [RemoteProperty:setForClient] for all clients in `clients`.",
            "params": [
                    "name": "clients",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "{ Player }"
                    "name": "value",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "T"
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 496,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "setForClient",
            "desc": "Sets the value of the remote property for `client` *specifically*, to `value`. This client\nwill now no longer be receiving updates of the value *of the* remote property, and thus will only\nbe receiving updates of their own specific value set in the remote property.\n\n:::note\n[RemoteProperty:removeForClient] will be called for the given client whenever they leave the game, so\nthat this value is cleared out for the player, and thus this helps prevent memory leaks.\n:::\n\n:::warning Precaution!\n- Setting the value for `client` to `nil` will **not** remove the client's value - call [RemoteProperty:removeForClient]\nto do that.\n\n- This method will throw an error if you attempt to set a value for the client who are not present anymore\nin the server (i.e not a descendant of [Players](  - this is done to avoid memory leaks.\n:::",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
                    "name": "value",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "T"
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 523,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "removeForClient",
            "desc": "Removes the value stored for `client` *specifically* in the remote property. This client will\nnow be informed of the current value *of the* remote property and will now no longer be\nreceiving updates of their specific value (that was previously set in the remote property, as\nit has been removed), instead the client will start receiving updates of the value of the remote\nproperty itself.",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 548,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "removeForClients",
            "desc": "Iterates through `clients` and calls [RemoteProperty:removeForClient] for each client.",
            "params": [
                    "name": "clients",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "{ Player }"
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 571,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "clientHasValueSet",
            "desc": "Returns a boolean indicating if there is a specific value stored for `client` \nin the remote property.",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "boolean\n"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 584,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "clientValue",
            "desc": "Returns a shallow copy of value stored *specifically* for `client` in the remote property. ",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "T?\n"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 594,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "clientValuePromise",
            "desc": "Returns a promise which is resolved with a non-nil value of the value stored for the client in the remote property.\n\n```lua\nremoteProperty:clientValuePromise(client):andThen(function(value)\n\tprint(value) \nend)\n```\n\n`valuePredicate` (an optional predicate), allows you to filter out values:\n\n```lua\nremoteProperty:clientValuePromise(client, function(newValue, oldValue) \n\tprint(newValue, oldValue)\n\treturn oldValue == 1\nend):andThen(function(value)\n\tprint(value) \nend)\n\nremoteProperty:setForClient(client, 1) \nremoteProperty:setForClient(client, 2) \n\n-- Output:\n-- 1, nil\n-- 2, 1\n-- 2\n```",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
                    "name": "valuePredicate",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "(newValue: T, oldValue: T?) -> boolean\n"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Promise<any>"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 631,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "set",
            "desc": "Sets the value of the remote property to `value`. Clients who have a specific value set\nwill not be informed of this new value of this remote property.",
            "params": [
                    "name": "value",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "T"
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 646,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "clientValueOnUpdateSignalForClient",
            "desc": "Returns a signal that is fired whenever a value is set for the client, or the client's\nspecific value is updated in the remote property (through [RemoteProperty:setForClient]).\n\n```lua\nremoteProperty:clientValueOnUpdateSignalForClient(somePlayer):Connect(function(newValue, oldValue)\n\tprint(newValue, oldValue)\nend)\n\nremoteProperty:setForClient(somePlayer, 1)\n--> 1, nil\n```",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Signal"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 667,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "observeClientValue",
            "desc": "Observes the value of the given client stored in the remote property.\n\n```lua\nremoteProperty:observeClientValue(somePlayer, function(newValue, oldValue)\n\tprint(newValue, oldValue) \nend)\n\nremoteProperty:setForClient(somePlayer, 1)\n--> nil, nil\n--> 1, nil\n```",
            "params": [
                    "name": "client",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Player"
                    "name": "callback",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "(newValue: T, oldValue: T?) -> ()\n"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Connection"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 689,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "observe",
            "desc": "Observes the value of the remote property. \n\n```lua\nlocal remoteProperty =\nremoteProperty:observe(function(newValue, oldValue)\n\tprint(newValue, oldValue)\nend)\n\nremoteProperty:set(1)\n--> nil, nil\n--> 1, nil\n```",
            "params": [
                    "name": "callback",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "(newValue: T, oldValue: T?) -> ()"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Connection"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 715,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "observeClientsValue",
            "desc": "Observes the values set for clients in the remote property. \n\n```lua\nlocal remoteProperty =\nremoteProperty:observeClientsValue(function(client: Player, newValue, oldValue)\n\nend)\n```",
            "params": [
                    "name": "observer",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "(\n\tplayer: Player,\n\tnewValue: T,\n\toldValue: T?\n) -> ()"
            "returns": [
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "Connection"
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 733,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "destroy",
            "desc": "\t\nDestroys the remote property and renders it unusable. All clients who have a specific value\nset for themselves in the remote property will be removed through [RemoteProperty:removeForClient].",
            "params": [],
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "method",
            "tags": [
                "RemoteProperty instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 755,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
    "properties": [
            "name": "RejectClientSetRequest",
            "desc": " \n\nA marker that can be passed from a `clientSet` middleware callback, to reject a client's request of setting\nsome value (for themselves in the remote property).",
            "lua_type": "\"RejectClientSetRequest\"",
            "tags": [
                "Read only"
            "source": {
                "line": 17,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "onUpdate",
            "desc": " \n\t\nA [signal]( which is fired whenever the value \nof the remote property is set to a new one. The signal is only passed the new value as the only argument.\n\t",
            "lua_type": "Signal <newValue: T, oldValue: T?>",
            "tags": [
                "Read only",
                "RemoteProperty Instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 116,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "clientValueOnUpdate",
            "desc": " \n\t\nA [signal]( which is fired whenever the value \nof `player` specifically in the remote property is set to a new one. The signal is passed the player \nas the first argument, and the new specific value of `player` set in the remote property, as the second argument. \n\t",
            "lua_type": "Signal <client: Player, newValue: T, oldValue: T?>",
            "tags": [
                "Read only",
                "RemoteProperty Instance"
            "source": {
                "line": 128,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
    "types": [
            "name": "DefaultRemotePropertyConfig",
            "desc": " ",
            "fields": [
                    "name": "automaticArgumentSerializationAndDeserializationEnabled",
                    "lua_type": "true",
                    "desc": ""
            "source": {
                "line": 23,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "DefaultRemotePropertyMiddleware",
            "desc": "By default, `clientSet` contains a function which always returns [RejectClientSetRequest], in\norder to reject the client's request of setting a value for themselves in the remote property, as this is a \nsecurity risk, if by default, this behavior is allowed. Additionally, a warn is also produced in the output \nto let you know of this.\n\nSo in order to allow clients to request the server to set their value, then you must define a middleware where `clientSet` contains\n**at least** 1 function, for e.g;\n\n```lua\nlocal remoteProperty ={\n\tclientSet = {\n\t\tfunction(_, _, valueFromClient) \n\t\t\treturn valueFromClient\n\t\tend\n\t}\n})\n```",
            "fields": [
                    "name": "clientSet",
                    "lua_type": "{...}",
                    "desc": ""
                    "name": "clientGet",
                    "lua_type": "{}",
                    "desc": ""
            "source": {
                "line": 48,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "RemotePropertyConfig",
            "desc": " \n\t\n- `automaticArgumentSerializationAndDeserializationEnabled` -> `true`\n\t- Arguments and values sent across the network by the remote property \n\twill be automatically serialized and deserialized respectively, with the\n\thelp of an internal library, i.e [serializerUtil](\n\t\n\t:::note Serialization and deserialization limitations!\n\tWhile the serializer utility used to accomplish this supports a variety of data types, do keep in mind that not all data types\n\tcan be supported on the go for serialization and deserialization - check the above hyperlink to the serializer utility on how\n\tmany data types it supports.\n\t::::\n\t\n\t**See the type of the value of the remote property being `TweenInfo` on the client**:\n\t\n\t```lua\n\t-- Server\n\tlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\n\tlocal testNetwork =\"TestNetwork\")\n\tlocal remoteProperty =\n\ttestNetwork:append(\"remoteProperty\",  remoteProperty) \n\ttestNetwork:dispatch(Workspace)\n\t\n\t-- Client\n\tlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\n\tlocal testNetwork = network.client.fromParent(\"TestNetwork\", Workspace):expect()\n\tprint(typeof(testNetwork.remoteProperty:get())) --> \"TweenInfo\"\n\t```\n\n- `automaticArgumentSerializationAndDeserializationEnabled` -> `false`\n\t- Arguments and values sent across the network will not be internally serialized\n\tand deserialized. Using the same example as above:\n\t\n\t**See the type of the value of the remote property being `table` on the client instead of `TweenInfo`**:\n\t\n\t```lua\n\t-- Server\n\tlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\n\tlocal testNetwork =\"TestNetwork\")\n\tlocal remoteProperty =\n\ttestNetwork:append(\"remoteProperty\",  remoteProperty) \n\ttestNetwork:dispatch(Workspace)\n\t\n\t-- Client\n\tlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\n\tlocal testNetwork = network.client.fromParent(\"TestNetwork\", Workspace):expect()\n\tprint(typeof(testNetwork.remoteProperty:get())) --> \"table\"\n\t```\n\t",
            "fields": [
                    "name": "automaticArgumentSerializationAndDeserializationEnabled",
                    "lua_type": "boolean",
                    "desc": "determines whether or not values sent to clients by the remote signal be internally serialized/deserialized or not."
            "source": {
                "line": 105,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "RemoteProperty",
            "desc": " ",
            "lua_type": "RemoteProperty",
            "source": {
                "line": 133,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "RemoteProperty",
            "desc": " ",
            "lua_type": "RemoteProperty",
            "source": {
                "line": 138,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "Observer",
            "desc": " ",
            "lua_type": "(newValue: T, oldValue: T?) -> ()",
            "source": {
                "line": 143,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
            "name": "RemotePropertyMiddleware",
            "desc": "\t\n:::warning Yielding in middleware callbacks is not allowed\nMiddleware callbacks aren't allowed to yield. If they do so, their thread will be closed via\n[coroutine.close]( and an\nerror will be outputted in the console.\n\nYielding, (especially in network-related code) results in weird bugs and behavior which can be hard to track down!\n:::\n\t\n### clientSet\n\t\nCallbacks in `clientSet` are called whenever the client tries to set the value of the remote property\n*for themselves specifically*.\n\t\nThe first argument passed to each callback is a reference to the remote property itself,\nfollowed by the client object and the value the client is trying to set.\n\t\n```lua\nlocal clientSetCallbacks = {\n\tfunction (remoteProperty, client, value)\n\t\tprint( --> true\n\t\tprint(client:IsA(\"Player\")) --> true \n\tend\n}\n---\n```\n\t\n:::tip More control\nA `clientSet` callback can return a **non-nil** value, which will then be set as the value for the client in the remote property.\nThis is useful in cases where you want to have more control over what values the client can set for themseves in the remote\nproperty.\n\nFor e.g:\n\t\n```lua\n-- Server\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\nlocal testRemoteProperty =, {\n\tclientSet = {function() return \"rickrolled\" end}\n})\n\t\nlocal testNetwork =\"TestNetwork\")\ntestNetwork:append(\"property\", testRemoteProperty)\ntestNetwork:dispatch(Workspace)\n\t\n-- Client\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\nlocal testNetwork = network.client.fromParent(\"TestNetwork\", Workspace):expect()\\nprint( --> \"rickrolled\" (This ought to print 1, but our middleware returned a custom value!)\n```\n\nYou can also return [RejectClientSetRequest] from a `clientSet` middleware callback, in order to reject the client's\nrequest of setting a value for themselves in the remote property.\n\t\nAdditionally, if more than 1 callback returns a value, then all those returned values will be packed into an array and *then* sent\nback to the client. This is by design - as it isn't ideal to disregard all returned values for just 1. \n\nFor e.g:\n\t\n```lua\n-- Server\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\nlocal testRemoteProperty =, {\n\tclientSet = {\n\t\tfunction() return \"rickrolled\" end,\n\t\tfunction() return \"oof\" end,\n\t\tfunction() return \"hello\" end\n\t}\n})\n\t\nlocal testNetwork =\"TestNetwork\")\ntestNetwork:append(\"property\", testRemoteProperty)\ntestNetwork:dispatch(Workspace)\n\t\n-- Client\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\nlocal testNetwork = network.client.fromParent(\"TestNetwork\", Workspace):expect()\\nprint( --> {\"oofed\", \"rickrolled\", \"hello\"} \n```\n\nIf any of the `clientSet` middleware callbacks return [RejectClientSetRequest], then the client's\nrequest of setting a value for themselves in the remote property, will be rejected.\n:::\n\t\n### clientGet\n\t\nCallbacks in `clientGet` are called whenever the client tries to get the value of the remote property.\n\t\nThe first argument passed to each callback is a reference to the remote property itself, which is followed by the client object.\n\t\n```lua\nlocal clientGetCallbacks = {\n\tfunction (remoteProperty, client)\n\t\tprint(client:IsA(\"Player\")) --> true\n\tend\n}\n---\n```\n\n:::tip More control\nA callback can return a non-nil value, which will then be returned to the client. This is useful in cases where you want to\nhave more control over what values the client can retrieve from the remote property.\n\nFor e.g:\n\t\n```lua\n-- Server\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\nlocal testRemoteProperty =, {\n\tclientGet = {function() return \"rickrolled\" end}\n})\n\t\nlocal testNetwork =\"TestNetwork\")\ntestNetwork:append(\"property\", testRemoteProperty)\ntestNetwork:dispatch(Workspace)\n\t\n-- Client\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\nlocal testNetwork = network.client.fromParent(\"TestNetwork\", Workspace):expect()\nprint( --> \"rickrolled\" (This ought to print 5000, but our middleware returned a custom value!)\n```\n\t\nAdditionally, if more than 1 callback returns a value, then all those returned values will be packed into an array and *then* sent\nback to the client. This is by design - as it isn't ideal to disregard all returned values for just 1. \n\nFor e.g:\n\t\n```lua\n-- Server\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\nlocal testRemoteProperty =, {\n\tclientGet = {\n\t\tfunction() return \"rickrolled\" end,\n\t\tfunction() return \"oof\" end,\n\t\tfunction() return \"hello\" end\n\t}\n})\n\t\nlocal testNetwork =\"TestNetwork\")\ntestNetwork:append(\"property\", testRemoteProperty)\ntestNetwork:dispatch(Workspace)\n\t\n-- Client\nlocal Workspace = game:GetService(\"Workspace\")\n\t\nlocal testNetwork = network.client.fromParent(\"TestNetwork\", Workspace):expect()\nprint( --> {\"oofed\", \"rickrolled\", \"hello\"} \n```\n:::\n\t",
            "fields": [
                    "name": "clientSet",
                    "lua_type": "{ (client: Player, value: any) -> any }?,",
                    "desc": ""
                    "name": "clientGet",
                    "lua_type": "{ (client: Player) -> any }?,",
                    "desc": ""
            "source": {
                "line": 308,
                "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"
    "name": "RemoteProperty",
    "desc": "A remote property in layman's terms is simply an  object which can store some global\nvalue as well as values specific to players. ",
    "realm": [
    "source": {
        "line": 8,
        "path": "src/network/Server/RemoteProperty.luau"